Some current favourite video game soundtracks
15:30For anyone who follows my soundcloud, you may hear some video game influences in my work, especially with earlier pieces such as Frontier or Wrex, which was inspired by Mass Effect. I just want to share some of my current favourite pieces from video games which I have been listening to and feel inspired by.
The Last Of Us - Main Menu Theme. I love how bleak and gritty this piece of music sounds, I actually by chance figured out part of the melody whilst playing around on my new guitar.
Whilst I can't play the game yet, I am thoroughly enjoying this soundtrack. This particular track, 'Loss' from 'I Am Setsuna' reminds me of 'The Sixth Station' track from Ghibli's 'Spirited Away'.
Undertale! Something about this track 'Shop' makes me feel really safe and cosy inside, again reminds me of music I'd expect to find in a Ghibli soundtrack, noticing a theme here?
Please Don't Touch Anything. This game has to be one of the best games I've ever played in my life, I've never had my mind blown so much in a 3 hour sitting. To top off the amount of effort and care which went into crafting this beautiful point and click game it also has a wonderful soundtrack. I find it hard to pick a favourite as they all vary so much from one another. I have a feeling I could take influence from this style quite well as I feel like it consists of more simple yet layered melodies and places more of a focus on the sound of the synth, I assume through the use of plug-ins and reverb. Hopefully I can produce a piece in this style in the near future!
Stellaris! I'm yet to properly invest time into this game, my PS4 arrived on the day of Stellaris' release so I've had a lot of games to play recently, alongside moving flats, alongside working, alongside making music. I am really in love with this soundtrack though, especially from around 2:20 onwards, it creates a real sense of mystery and tension for me and reminds me of Mass Effect.
Finally I'm really loving the soundtrack to The Division. I feel like it contains some Hans Zimmer influences and again makes for a somewhat emotional soundtrack. I feel like the soundtrack helps to set this apart from other first person shooters.